Examples showing how to multiply a fraction by a whole number. On this page you can see examples that show:
- How to multiply a fraction by a whole number
- How to multiply a mixed number by a whole number
The procedure for multiplying a mixed number by a whole number involves converting the mixed number to an improper fraction!
Multiplying a fraction by a whole number
When multiplying a fraction by a whole number, the instructions below should be followed:
- We multiply the numerator of the fraction by the whole number, which gives the numerator of the solution.
- The denominator of the fraction remains the same (the solution has the same denominator as the fraction which is one of the multipliers).
Example 1: Calculate the product of the numbers:

We multiply the numerator of the fraction (the number 4) by the whole number 2, so we get that the numerator of the solution will be the number 8. The denominator of the solution remains identical (the number 9). The complete solution looks like the image below:

Multiplying a mixed number by a whole number
When multiplying a mixed number by a whole number, you should follow the instructions below:
- First, we convert the mixed number into an improper fraction!
- We continue following steps 1 and 2 of multiplying a fraction by a whole number as from the first example above!
Example 2: Calculate the product of the numbers:

First we convert the mixed number into an improper fraction. Remember how to turn a mixed number into a fraction! The conversion should look like the image below:

After the conversion comes the multiplication! We multiply the numerator of the fraction (the number 12) by the whole number 4, so we get that the numerator of the solution will be the number 48. The denominator of the solution remains identical (the number 5). The complete solution looks like the image below:

Finally, obviously the solution is in the form of an improper fraction. We should convert this irregular fraction into a mixed number. The conversion is presented in the image below!

Video examples
The video below contains many examples of multiplying a fraction by a whole number, as well as multiplying a mixed number by a whole number!
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Tags: Fraction, How To Multiply, Number, Whole