This guide will help you learn how to calculate a percentage of any number! Below this page, you can learn two different methods of calculating a percentage of a number. Logically, as soon as a percentage of a number can be calculated, the change in the value of the number (price) can be calculated as to whether we calculate a percentage increase or percentage decrease.

How to calculate a percentage of number – first method

Percentage of a given number can be calculated in this way:

  1. First, we turn the percentage into a fraction (the percentage is the number, and in the denominator, we write 100).
  2. Then we multiply the fraction by the number we determine the percentage (we multiply the number by the number from which we determine the percentage, and the denominator remains 100).
  3. Finally, we divide and calculate the numerator and the denominator.

Example 1: Calculate 30% of 2000!

Step 1: First we write 30% in the form of a fraction. The fraction of the fraction has 30 and is in the denominator 100. Turning 30% into a fraction looks like this:

Turning 30% into a fraction

Step 2: We multiply the fraction by the number 2000. Multiply the number 30 by 2000, and the denominator 100 remains the same. The calculation is:

30% of 2000

Step number 3: With the division of the numerator and the denominator of the last fraction it is obtained that:

60000: 100 = 600

Finally, we conclude that 30% of 2000 is 600!

Example 2: Calculate 25% of 800!

Step 1: First we write 25 % in the form of a fraction. The fraction of the fraction has 25 and is in the denominator 100. Turning 25% into a fraction looks like this:

Turning 25% into a fraction

Step 2: We multiply the fraction by 800. We multiply the number 25 by 800, and the denominator 100 remains the same. The calculation is below:

25% of 800

Step number 3: With the division of the numerator and the denominator of the last fraction it is obtained that:

20000: 100 = 200

Finally, we conclude that 25% of the 800 is 200!

Calculation Percentage of Number – Second Method

Percentage of number can be calculated in the second way:

  1. First, the percentage turns into a decimal number form (if the percentage is two-digit we write in format 0, XY, where X is the figure of his tenth, and y is the figure of his unit; if the percentage is one-digit, then we write it in format 0, 0y because there are only units).
  2. We multiply the decimal number obtained in the first step by the number from which we determine the percentage.

Example 3: Determine 10% of 250!

Step 1: First 10% turn into a decimal number! We write the number 10 in format 0, XY as follows:

10% = 0.1

Step 2: Multiply the decimal number 0.1 by the number 250. This calculation gives it:

0.1 x 250 = 25

Finally, we conclude that 10% of 250 is 25!

Example 4: Determine 75% of 200!

Step 1: First 75% turn into a decimal number! We write the number 75 in format 0, XY as follows:

75% = 0.75

Step 2: Multiply the decimal number 0.75 by the number 200. This calculation gives it:

0.75 x 200 = 150

Finally, we conclude that 75% of 200 is 150!

Video examples with two methods

The video below contains many examples that use different methods for calculating a percentage of a number.

Calculate Percentage Of A Number

Take a look at more examples to learn how to calculate a percentage of a number without using a calculator. Of course, this is possible for characteristic numbers that can easily calculate a product or quotient!

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