When dividing by numbers, dividing a whole number by a decimal number is usually the most problematic! Here you can see examples of dividing a whole number by a decimal number, as well as rules that we need to follow to complete the procedure correctly! One example can be viewed directly on this page, while additional examples are available in video format which you can access from the bottom of the page.
How do you divide a whole number by a decimal number
When dividing a whole number by a decimal number you should do the following:
- First, we expand the whole number and the decimal number with that decimal unit (10, 100, 1000, …) which has as many zeros as the decimal number has decimal places. For example, if we divide by the number 3.4, we need to expand with the decimal unit 10, because the number 3.4 has only one decimal place (the number 10 has only one zero). If we divide by the decimal number 1.45, we need to expand by 100, etc.
- After the expansion, we divide in the same way as an integer is usually divided by an integer (when dividing, we pay attention to the rules that apply to the signs when dividing and multiplying whole numbers).
Examples of dividing a whole number by a decimal number
Look at the examples that describe the two steps we need to take to successfully divide an integer by a decimal number.
Example 1: Divide the numbers:
34 : 2.5 =
The decimal number 2.5 has only one decimal place. Therefore, first, we will multiply both numbers by the number 10. After the expansion, we replace the first expression with the expression:
340 : 25 =
In this way, we replace the task of dividing an integer by a decimal number with a task in which we divide an integer by an integer. After dividing, the quotient is:
340 : 25 = 13.6
Example 2: Divide the numbers:
250 : 12.25 =
The decimal number 12.25 has two decimal places. Therefore, first, we will multiply both numbers by the number 100. After expansion, we replace the first expression with the expression:
25000 : 1225 =
After completing the division, the result is obtained:
25000 : 1225 = 20.41*
* The correct result of the second problem is a decimal number with an infinite number of decimal places. The solution is rounded to the second decimal place. Learn how to round decimal numbers!
In the video below you can see more examples of dividing a whole number by a decimal number:
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Tags: By Decimal, Decimal, Dividing, Number, Whole